How was it made?

From the initial steps the process of implementation*

Only a thought and later a design is a creation. Personal mood and expressions and It was important to create a unique feeling during design. The animal body's lines* are characterized by a uniform image and harmony.  During emotional planning. I paid particular attention to the relationship between animals. Each story has different behaviors and designs. - L I F E  T H E  F O R M O S A - (Funny and stylish show of animals) The main characters of the stories are the dog (狗). Formatting the dog's character to my own image. (I Rudolf designer* was born in 1970 in the year of the dog (狗) in May.) Earlier in my early teens and later, I had more dogs than my loyal partner in everyday life. 

T h e  g r a p h i c s  c h a r a c t e r s  f o r  s a l e

Design Selling information the business for companies*

Information* contact E-mail

Copyright 2018 Hungary - Taiwan FORMOSA ZOO* Rudolf Németh Paint artist
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